News: LEGO Semi Trucks Look Like the Real Deal

LEGO Semi Trucks Look Like the Real Deal

Don't be fooled. These cleverly photographed LEGO model trucks are just what I said they are... models, not life-sized. Still, they are beautifully designed and constructed. Check out creator Maciej D.'s flickr page for more images.

LEGO Semi Trucks Look Like the Real Deal

LEGO Semi Trucks Look Like the Real Deal

LEGO Semi Trucks Look Like the Real Deal

LEGO Semi Trucks Look Like the Real Deal

LEGO Semi Trucks Look Like the Real Deal

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Ah man, makes me want to go dig out my boxes of lego pieces all over again!

No kiddin Juertes. i agree. gotta get out the box of legos. these thigns look so SWEET and life like. even true to size

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