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With a little spare time and and a few items you can find around the house, you can make your own balloon-powered paper car. This is a great and easy DIY project that's perfect for competitive kids. A ...
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Cut cardboard into 8" long x 3" wide strips. With cardboard down on a cutting board, place 1 AA battery on one end. Roll once so the battery is covered. Hold in place. Spread a light coat of Craft Glu ...

With a little spare time and and a few items you can find around the house, you can make your own balloon-powered paper car. This is a great and easy DIY project that's perfect for competitive kids. A ...

A series on how to build a Mack F series cabover conversion model truck at 1/25 scale. Part 1Here I'm showing how I rework truck cabs to convert to a different truck make and model. Using just your ve ...

This video tutorial shows you how to make a simple pop pop boat (putt putt boat) out of house hold items. Very simple and easy to do. Items needed:An empty drinks canBlu-TackAn empty juice carton2 Str ...

This homemade hairspray-powered PVC rocket takes less than an hour to construct and only costs about 20 dollars to make. Check out my video below for the step-by-step instructions on building your own ...

Hi, I work in theater and I'm trying to know if it would be possible to build, for a not very high price, some kind of RC, Base or Platform with wheels were I can put a chair on top holding a total we ...

This video tutorial shows how to paint and install a brick arch retaining wall on the layout of toy model train tracks. ...

There are plenty of things you can use at home to make your own rocket, like sugar, matchsticks, or even trash. They may not be as impressive as a real rocket, but they can still be a lot of fun. In t ...

Model airplanes are cool and all, but making them out of your typical 8 1/2 X 11 printer paper isn't going to cut it for long, especially if any sort of rain or misplaced foot is involved. Make your a ...