You can make a rocket at home using these items found around the house. Icing sugar, measuring tape, a PVC pipe, black marker, hammer, flat headed bolt around 18 millimeters wide , mortar and pestle, drill, drill bit size 5 millimeter, potassium nitrate and kitty litter.
You need a 20 millimeter diameter PVC pipe cut to a length of 95 millimeters. Next measure 1. 5cm away from each end of the pipe with a line around the tube using a black marker. Lets call one end A and the other B. The tube end marked A should be facing down. From bottom up you have to fill it with 3 layers.
For layer 1, take the hammer and bolt and compact the kitty litter until it reaches mark A.
Followed by layer 2, first take 20 grams of potassium nitrate and 11 grams of icing sugar, grind it well using a mortar and pestle. Fill the pipe with the mix from mark A and compact it till it reaches mark B.
For the last layer, fill it up with kitty litter almost till the top and compact it. Then use a drill with drill bit size 5 millimeters and drill a hole along the center of the tube on the end marked A. Do not go past mark B on the other end.
Tape the pipe to a long wooden stick, preferably dowel or balsa wood. For a fuse use a sparkler. Slide the sparkler, hand held side, into the drilled hole. Bring it outdoors to an open field, set it up, light the sparkler and get to a safe distance to watch your rocket take off.
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