News: Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

A group of Danes, known as the Copenhagen Suborbitals, have constructed the world's largest amateur rocket. This beast stands at 9 meters tall, and unlike the typical wood-based models, the Heat 1X is a real metal rocket.

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Says Gizmodo,

"The Copenhagen Suborbitals operate from an abandoned shipyard in the outskirts of the Danish capital. This group of nutters rolled out their Heat 1X engine last Sunday. The image above puts it next to their planned beasts and the first ballistic missile ever: The German V-2."

HEAT 1X booster test 28 Feb 2010

Images posted by the group on forum Something Awful (and I quote, "We're building a rocket.
We're building it bigger."):

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

Danes Build Holy Grail of Amateur Rockets

For more info, images and video, visit Copenhagen Suborbitals.

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Wait you're a goon?

Do you suppose this was a hobby? Or Something funded by the private sector?

Had you clicked on the Copenhagen Suborbitals link provided in the first sentence of the article, you'd have your non-goon questions answered. To wit: "Our mission is very simple. We are working towards launching a human being into space. This is a non-profit suborbital space endeavor lead by Kristian von Bengtson and Peter Madsen, based entirely on sponsors and volunteers." Click on the Sponsors tab and you'll see a looong list of sponsors, both corporate and personal.

God more clicking?!....hold on....*click*....yup yup, looks like I was half right.

Non-goon!? WTF did I pay for?

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